General questions about TAG should be addressed to the Secretary:
Dr Geoff Teece, 32 Ashford Road, Topsham EX3 0LA
E: [email protected] T: 07736 952581
Membership enquiries should be directed to the Membership Secretary:
Mrs Kim Bates, 1 Broadway, Woodbury, EX5 1NW.
Email: [email protected] T: 07450 001665
Dr Geoff Teece, 32 Ashford Road, Topsham EX3 0LA
E: [email protected] T: 07736 952581
Membership enquiries should be directed to the Membership Secretary:
Mrs Kim Bates, 1 Broadway, Woodbury, EX5 1NW.
Email: [email protected] T: 07450 001665